New scoring system to predict long-term mortality after status epilepticus published in JAMA Neurology

The epilepsy research group ERGO at the Department of Neurology, with authors Line Bedos Ulvin, Kjell Heuser and Prof. Erik Taubøll, has participated in a 3-national study to improve the prognostication of long-term survival after status epilepticus.

Early prediction of long-term mortality of status epilepticus is important given the high mortality in the years after diagnosis.

The purpose of this retrospective, multicenter cohort study was to improve the prognostication of long-term mortality of status epilepticus. Adult patients who were diagnosed with and treated for status of epilepticus at university hospitals in Odense, Denmark, in Marburg/Frankfurt, Germany, and Oslo University Hospital, were included in the study. A new scoring system was developed and validated to predict 2-year (long-term) mortality after discharge from hospital.

The scoring system is called ACD score, where the score is composed of A = age at the start of the status epilepticus, C = level of consciousness at hospital arrival, and duration (D = duration) of the status epilepticus.
It is important to note that D = duration of status epilepticus is the only potentially affectable factor, which highlights that rapid and adequate treatment of the condition is of high importance for long-term prognosis.

The article was published in the April issue of JAMA Neurology.

OUH co-authors: consultant Line Bédos Ulvin, consultant Kjetil Heuser and professor Erik Taubøll


The JAMA Neurology article:
Prediction of Long-term Survival After Status Epilepticus Using the ACD Score.
Roberg LE, Monsson O, Kristensen SB, Dahl SM, Ulvin LB, Heuser K, Taubøll E, Strzelczyk A, Knake S, Bechert L, Rosenow F, Beier D, Beniczky S, Krøigård T, Beier CP.
JAMA Neurol. 2022 Apr 11. doi: 10.1001/jamaneurol.2022.0609. 
PMID: 35404392

ERGO – Epilepsy Research Group of Oslo

Department of Neurology




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