Events at Med Fac UiO

Forsknings­arrangementer - Det medisinske fakultet

09.09.2024Helseprioriteringer: Fra etikk til klinikk

Bildet kan inneholde: maling, kunstmaling, maleri, kunst, landskap.

Senter for medisinsk etikk arrangerer et nytt kurs i helseprioriteringer for medlemmer av kliniske etikk-komiteer og etikkråd i sykehus og kommuner.

25.09.2024NCMM International Seminar: Ian Mills

Graphical illustration of DNA as a network

The invited speaker is Ian Mills, John Black Professor of Prostate Cancer at the University of Oxford and NCMM group leader alumni. The title of his talk is: "Reflections on prostate cancer research".

22.10.2024Integreat Tuesday seminar: Geir Kjetil Ferkingstad Sandve

Bildet kan inneholde: person, panne, kinn, hake, smil.

Using AI to dampen the unpredictability brought by climate change

This seminar is part of the seminar series on the thematic focus of sustainability (Objective 3: Fair, Explainable, and Trustworthy Learning).

26.11.2024Bayesian clustering for biomedical data: coping with large p, large n, and multiple data sources

Biostatistical seminar with Paul Kirk, Programme Leader in the Biostatistical Machine Learning theme at the MRC Biostatistics Unit, University of Cambridge, UK.

09.12.2024NCMM Seminar: Helene Knævelsrud

Graphical illustration of double stranded DNA

Helene Knævelsrud, Associate Professor in the Division of Biochemistry at UiO, will present her work on "When should you stop eating yourself? Or how is autophagy terminated?"

05.11.2024Workshop - application for new convergence environments

Bildet kan inneholde: dyr, ansikt, nese, barn, organisme.

Three workshops will be organized for potential applicants to new convergence environments. At least one person from each project must attend one workshop in order to apply.

05.11.2024Workshop - application for new convergence environments

Bildet kan inneholde: dyr, ansikt, nese, barn, organisme.

Three workshops will be organized for potential applicants to new convergence environments. At least one person from each project must attend one workshop in order to apply.

14.06.2024Rune Blomhoff 70 år og workshop om måling av kroppssammensetning og energibehov

30.01.25: Rune Blomhoffs jubileum markeres med et symposium om hans akademiske aktivitet gjennom de siste 40 år

31.01.25: Workshop om metoder for måling av kroppssammensetning og energibehov (holdes på engelsk)


21.05.2024SPARK Norway Educational Forum: Sustainability in Life Sciences and Healthcare

The image shows the SPARK Norway Logo.

How will this affect your business plan, risk assessment and strategy?

06.11.2024Norway Life Science 2025

Graphics of Norway Life Science 2025

Health Data – From Access to Value and Groundbreaking Research

06.11.2024Livsvitenskapskonferansen 2025

Banner av Livsvitenskapskonferansen 2025.

Helsedata – fra tilgang til verdiskapning og grensesprengende forskning

05.11.2024Workshop - application for new convergence environments

Bildet kan inneholde: dyr, ansikt, nese, barn, organisme.

Three workshops will be organized for potential applicants to new convergence environments. At least one person from each project must attend one workshop in order to apply.

06.11.2024UIIN Nordic Forum: Stronger Together – Driving Innovation Through Collaboration

Banner UIIN Nordic Forum

The forum will unite leaders, management and decision makers from universities, public sector and industry to benchmark and share policies and best practices for impactful research and development collaborations.

28.11.2024SPARK Norway Educational Forum

The image shows the SPARK Norway Logo.

SPARK Norway Educational Forum are monthly open meetings organized by UiO:Life Science and SPARK Norway partners.

28.11.2024SPARK Norway Educational Forum

The image shows the SPARK Norway Logo.

SPARK Norway Educational Forum are monthly open meetings organized by UiO:Life Science and SPARK Norway partners.

28.11.2024SPARK Europe Educational Forum

Image may contain: Font, Material property, Electric blue, Magenta, Brand.

This meeting is part of the SPARK Europe webinar series, hosted by SPARK Norway.

29.10.2024A two-day Course on Scientific Writing in Medicine

Picture of journal headers

How to get your research published in the best journals? A two-day Course on Scientific Writing in Medicine 2025

04.12.2024European Conference on Social Medicine

Conference theme: Practice. Therory. Action.

The organizing committee is excited to welcome you to Oslo, Norway in June 2025 for a conference gathering health practitioners jointly trained in the social sciences or humanities. We aim to gather a network of peers working at the intersection of biomedical science, social sciences, and the humanities.

03.12.202413. nasjonale konferanse om selvmordsforskning og -forebygging

Bildet kan inneholde: veidekke, asfalt, skråning, gulvbelegg, parallell.

Angst, skam og unnvikelse: Hvordan bedre systematikken i selvmordsforebygging?

21.11.2024Science Impact 2025 – tomorrow's solutions start today 

Illustration title conference

Spend a day with great science, innovation and networking opportunities at this meeting place for academia, the institute sector, the public sector, start-ups and industry.​ The conference is a part of Oslo Innovation Week 2025.