Skotland and Sandvig with comment on lipidomics in Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology

Tore Skotland and Kristen Sandvig
Tore Skotland and Kristen Sandvig

Tore Skotland and Kirsten Sandvig, Department of Molecular Cell Biology, Institute for Cancer Research, have together with four international experts on mass spectroscopy (MS) analyses of lipids, published a short comment (2 pages with a supplementary of 2 pages) in Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology.

The article is entitled “Pitfalls in lipid mass spectroscopy of mammalian samples – a brief guide for biologists”. 


In this article the authors document that publications reporting MS analyses of lipids often include lipid species that are unlikely to be present in the samples. The authors provide recommendations for scientists submitting lipid data, and for reviewers and editors evaluating these data, to reduce reporting of erroneous lipid species.

The article was published together with the following leading experts on MS analyses of lipids: Kim Ekroos (Finland), Jeffrey McDonald (USA), Robert Ahrends (Austria) and Gerhard Liebisch (Germany).


Pitfalls in lipid mass spectrometry of mammalian samples - a brief guide for biologists.
Skotland T, Ekroos K, McDonald J, Ahrends R, Liebisch G, Sandvig K.
Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 2024 Jul 1. doi: 10.1038/s41580-024-00758-4.
PMID: 38951702

Link to a read only version (if not having access to the journal): 

Tore Skotland

Kirsten Sandvig

Cellular membrane dynamics research group, led by Harald Stenmark

Department of Molecular Cell Biology

Institute for Cancer Research

CanCell - Centre for Cancer Cell Reprogramming

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