Ceremony November 25th Dr Ragnar Mørk´s Prize for excellent cancer research 2022 to Marina Vietri

Marina Vietri
Marina Vietri

Marina Vietri from the Department of Molecular Cell Biology is this year's winner of the prestigious Dr. Ragnar Mørk's Prize for cancer research.

She has won the award of NOK 200.000 for her pioneering studies of nuclear envelope sealing in genome integrity and cancer progression.

The prize ceremony took place on 25th of November in the Auditorium of Institute for Cancer Research.

Earlier this year Marina Vietri was awarded the NFR Young Research Talent grant.


14:45 Introduction about Dr. Ragnar Mørk’s Prize by the business manager of Dr. Ragnar Mørk’s Legacy, Carl Rieber-Mohn
14:55 Introduction of the prize winner by the chair of the prize committee, Harald Stenmark
15:00 Prize winner’s lecture
15:30 Coffee and cake will be available for everyone in the canteen area

Prize committee: Harald Stenmark, Gunhild Mælandsmo, Olav Klingenberg, Erlend B. Smeland

Photo galleries from the ceremony:

Photos by Pooja Kumari:



Mariana Vietri's publications

Department of Molecular Cell Biology

Previous news articles about Mariana Vietri from ous-research.no:

Marina Vietri is awarded the NFR Young Research Talent grant (2022)

Awarded the Early Career Award 2021 at the Oslo University Hospital

Oslo University Hospital has awarded 6 excellent articles for the first half-year of 2020

Uncontrolled membrane repair causes chromosome fragmentation (2020)

Vietri, Radulovic and Stenmark with Nature Review about ESCRT proteins in membrane dynamics (2019)

Marina Vietri interviewed for major Italian research web portal (2016)

Paper from OUS/CCB researchers dedicated commentary articles in both Nature and Science (2015)

Nature article from Marina Vietri:
Sealing holes in the nuclear envelope as a mechanism to protect the genome

Previous years winners of the Ragnar Mørks' legacy prize:

2021: Anita Sveen
2020: Theo Theodossiou
2019: Karl-Johan Malmberg
2018: Kaisa Haglund
2017: June Myklebust
2016: Therese Sørlie
2015: Guro E. Lind
2014: Arne Kolstad
2013: Kjersti Flatmark
2012: Vessela N. Kristensen
2011: Camilla Raiborg
2010: Heidi Lyng
2009: Rolf I. Skotheim
2008: Tor Erik Rusten
2007: Anne Simonsen
2006: Bjørn Naume
2005: Gunhild Mælandsmo
2004: Mouldy Sioud

2003: Ragnhild A. Lothe
2002: Antoni Wiedlocha
2001: Eivind Hovig

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