Vietri, Radulovic and Stenmark with Nature Review about ESCRT proteins in membrane dynamics

From left: Vietri, Radulovic and Stenmark
From left: Vietri, Radulovic and Stenmark
In a recent issue of Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, Marina Vietri, Maja Radulovic and Harald Stenmark at Institute for Cancer Research and Centre for Cancer Cell Reprogramming review the many functions of a protein machinery specialized for membrane scission and sealing.


Many cellular processes relevant to cancer, including cytokinesis, membrane sealing and formation intraluminal vesicles in endosomes, involve abscission of narrow membrane tubes filled with cytosol. Such processes are mediated by a protein machinery known as endosomal sorting complex required for transport, ESCRT. The review by Vietri, Radulovic and Stenmark highlights the functions of ESCRT proteins in diverse membrane scission/sealing reactions and discusses their relevance to cancer and other diseases.
The review article:

The many functions of ESCRTs.
Vietri M, Radulovic M, Stenmark H.
Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 2019 Nov 8. doi: 10.1038/s41580-019-0177-4. Review.
PMID: 31705132

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Marina Vietri

Maja Radulovic

Harald Stenmark

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