Announcement: 4th Oslo Epigenetic Symposium April 16th to 17th 2020

The Oslo Epigenetics Symposium will be held April 16th to 17th 2020 at Domus Medica, Gaustad.

The conference brings together leading scientists in the field of Epigenetics. The goal is to highlight the latest advances in epigenetics, nuclear architecture and chromatin regulation. The symposium will be kicked off with a public lecture by Ting Wu, Wyss Institute, Harvard University followed by a debate.

The meeting is organized by the Centre for Cancer Cell Reprogramming, Norwegian Biochemical Society and COST European Cooperation in Science & Technology CA18127.

Registration deadline: 31.03.2020


Deo Prakash Pandey - head of the Targeting tumors of central nervous system project group at the Department of Microbiology, is together with Ragnhild Eskeland (IMB, UiO) and Nikolina Sekulic, NCMM, organizing the 4th Oslo Epigenetic Symposium on 16th-17th April, 2020. Their invitation:

We invite you to the 4th Oslo Epigenetic Symposium in April 2020. We will kick-off with an evening public lecture 16th of April at 18.00 in Georg Sverdrups Hus with Ting Wu (Harvard Medical School) followed by a debate. The next day at Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, UiO, you will follow presentations on cutting edge research from top national and international researchers presenting the latest developments in the field of Epigenetics. Our aim is to stimulate collaborative initiatives and exchange of research ideas. Topics include: Gene regulation, chromatin structure, nuclear architecture and epigenetics in disease. We welcome abstracts from all areas of epigenetic research for oral presentations and poster session

 Registration and signup:

Confirmed speakers:

Ting Wu, Wyss Institute, Professor of Genetics at Harvard Medical School, USA
Wendy Bickmore, MRC Human Genetics Unit, The University of Edinburgh, UK
Andrea Musacchio,Max Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology, Germany
Pernette Verschure, Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Diego Pasini, The IEO (European Institute of Oncology), Italy
Ana Pombo, Max Delbruck Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association, Germany
Glen Liszczak, Virginia Murchison Linthicum Scholar in Medical Research, UT Southwestern Medical Center, USA
Philippe Collas, Institute for Basic Medical Sciences, University of Oslo, Norway
Arne Klungland, Laboratory Medicine, Oslo University Hospital, Norway
Pierre Chymkowitch, Oslo University Hospital, Norway
Barbara van Loon, Department of Cancer Research and Molecular Medicine, Norwegian University for Science and Technology, Norway
John Arne Dahl, Oslo University Hospital, Norway


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