Article in Science from Kalager and Bretthauer: Improving cancer screening programs

National cancer screening programs are widely implemented to reduce cancer incidence and mortality in high-income countries, but there is insufficient knowledge of the utility and potential for harmful consequences of this practice. Several of the programs are introduced without the necessary testing of the methods in advance.
This is the topic of professor Mette Kalager and professor Michael Bretthauer's recent article in the prestigious journal Science.
News article from the UiO home page (in Norwegian):
Vil ha endret praksis for kreftscreening
The Science article:
Improving cancer screening programs.
Kalager M, Bretthauer M.
Science. 2020 Jan 10;367(6474):143-144. doi: 10.1126/science.aay3156.
PMID: 31919207
Michael Bretthauer's publications