Prestigious ERC Consolidator Grant to Johannes Hov

Professor Johannes Espolin Roksund Hov has received over 23 million kroner over the next five years from the European Research Council to investigate the interaction between intestinal bacteria and the development of serious liver diseases, for the project "Fatty liver versus autoimmunity of the bile ducts - defining the gut signals driving steatosis and inflammatory disease of the gut-liver axis (FatVersusBile)". Hov is senior consultant at Department of Transplantation Medicine and heads the research group "Genomics and Metagenomics in Inflammatory Disorders" at the at the Norwegian PSC Research Center and Research Institute of Internal Medicine.
Comprehensive article about Hov's research and the ERC project, from UiO (in Norwegian):
Prestisjetung ERC Consolidator Grant til Johannes Hov (
The Genomics and Metagenomics in Inflammatory Disorders research group, headed by Johannes Hov
The Norwegian PSC Research Center
Research Institute of Internal Medicine (RIIM)
Previous news article about Hov:
Three new strategic research areas appointed by Oslo University Hospital (, 21.06.2019)
ERC Starting Grant 2018 to Johannes Roksund Hov (, 06.06.2018)
The 2017 Excellent Research Awards to Kirsten Sandvig, Johannes Espolin Roksund Hov and Tor Paaske Utheim (, 08.05.2017)