The 2020 Oslo University Hospital Researcher Awards to Bretthauer, Hoffmann-Vold and Kristianslund

Three Oslo University Hospital scientists have received prestigous awards for their outstanding research. The major prize - the "Excellent Researcher Award" - went to Michael Bretthauer. Anna Hoffmann-Vold and Olav Kristianslund both received the "Early Career Award".
The prize money - 300.000 and 150.000 NOK respectively - is earmarked for research activities. The awards are distributed anually in order to honour excellent scientific work. The awarding process is organized by the hospital's research committee, while an external Scientific Advisory Board has evaluated the candidates.
About this year's award winners:
Excellent Researcher Award

Michael Bretthauer:
Michael Bretthauer is head of the Clinical Research Section at the Department of Transplantation Medicine at Division of Surgery, Inflammatory Diseases and Transplantation, and professor at the Instituter of Health and Society, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo.
Committee statement:
Dr Bretthauer is a gastroenterologist and Professor of Medicine at Oslo University Hospital and the University of Oslo. He was the first leader of the Clinical Effectiveness Research group and is the Head of the Clinical Research Center at the Department of Transplantation Medicine at Oslo University Hospital. Dr Bretthauer has been instrumental in a number of important clinical trials in colorectal cancer screening and endoscopy, as well as in a trial to evaluate the possibility to treat Clostridium Difficile infections with fecal transplantation instead of antibiotics.
Dr Bretthauer’s research projects are characterized by being creative, innovative and meticulously designed, and focused on answering important questions in clinical medicine, particularly in effectiveness and preventive medicine. Dr Bretthauer is internationally recognized and has an impressive publication record with several contributions in high impact journals. He has been able to establish a very strong and productive research team. The work of Dr Bretthauer has already had a considerable impact, and we are confident that he will continue to contribute in a significant manner to the research at Oslo University Hospital.
Michael Bretthauer's publications
Home page at UiO
Early Career Awards:
Anna Hoffmann-Vold

Anna Hoffmann-Vold is a researcher at the Department of Rheumatology, Dermatology and Infectious Diseases at the Division of Surgery, Inflammatory Diseases and Transplantation.
Committe statement:
Anna-Maria Hoffman-Vold defended her PhD thesis in 2014 at the University of Oslo. She is currently a postdoc researcher at the Department of Rheumatology, Dermatology and Infectious Diseases, Oslo University Hospital, and is head of the Systemic sclerosis research group at Oslo University Hospital. After a postdoc stay at UCLA she has become a world-leading expert on systemic sclerosis, she established the nationwide Norwegian cohort of this disorder and conducted interesting intervention studies with fecal microbiota. Hoffmann-Vold is principle investigator for several multicenter studies within systemic sclerosis. She has strong national and international collaborations, is an active participant in several scientific organizations related to her current research area, and is regularly invited as keynote speaker at international meetings. Hoffmann-Vold has published her findings in highly ranked journals and she has received a large grant for her intervention study on fecal microbiota transplantation in systemic sclerosis.
Anna Hoffmann-Vold's publications
Olav Kristianslund

Olav Kristianslund is acting consultant at the Department of Ophthalmology and the Division of Head, Neck and Reconstructive Surgery.
Committe statement:
Olav Kristianslund defended his thesis in 2018 at the University of Oslo. He has a medical degree with specialization in ophthalmology and is now a consultant at the Department of Ophthalmology at Oslo University Hospital. In addition, he holds a Master degree in Health Economics. Despite of his young age, he has already shown impressive achievements in the areas of cataract surgery and intraocular lens (IOL) dislocation research. This includes several research techniques notably randomized controlled trials. He is now supervising several PhD-students and has been able to establish a network of collaborators nationally and internationally. The scientific papers have been published in the highest ranked journals in ophthalmology. He has been invited to give presentations at several international meetings within his research area. Kristianslund received the His Majesty the King’s gold medal 2019 for his PhD thesis, and the same year the price from the Norwegian Ophthalmological Society for extraordinary clinical and/or research achievements in ophthalmology.
Olav Kristianlund's publications
News article from, where the award winners answer questions about their current research and how their findings may be of benefit for patients (text in Norwegian):
Priser til fremragende forskere 2020
Previous award winners:
(click on year to read more)
Excellent Researcher Award
Early Career Award (alphabetically listed)
Ole A. Andreassen
Mette Kalager
Anita Sveen |
Arne Klungland
Kristina H. Haugaa
Lars Tjelta Westlye |
Kirsten Sandvig
Johannes Espolin Roksund Hov
Tor Paaske Utheim
Pål Aukrust
Espen Melum
Therese Seierstad
Anne-Lise Børresen-Dale
Jan Terje Andersen
John Arne Dahl
Ludvig M. Sollid
Kyrre Eeg Emblem
Edward Leithe
Harald Stenmark
Guro Lind
Tom Hemming Karlsen