PNAS publication: Allows for new treatment of covid-19 patients

From left: Søren Pischke, Tom E. Mollnes and Jan C. Holter
From left: Søren Pischke, Tom E. Mollnes and Jan C. Holter

Researchers from Oslo University Hospital and Vestre Viken show that activation of the innate immune system contributes to breathing difficulties in covid-19 patients. In a study recently published in the prestigious journal "Proceedings of the National Academy of Science" they show that systemic and long-term activation of the complement system occurred in 39 Norwegian covid-19 patients who were hospitalized.

OUH scientists Søren Pischke and Jan Cato Holter are shared first authors, and Tom Erik Mollnes is last author. They have also written a populuar science article about the findings.


Popular science artitle (in Norwegian), published on the Oslo University web site "Ekspertsykehuset":
Åpner for ny behandling av covid-19 pasienter

Article about the findings from Dagens Medisin:
– Stort norsk covid-funn: Vil dempe immunsystemet for å hindre alvorlig sykdom

The PNAS article:
Jan C. Holter, Soeren E. Pischke, Eline de Boer, Andreas Lind, Synne Jenum, Aleksander R. Holten, Kristian Tonby, Andreas Barratt-Due, Marina Sokolova, Camilla Schjalm, Viktoriia Chaban, Anette Kolderup, Trung Tran, Torleif Tollefsrud Gjølberg, Linda G. Skeie, Liv Hesstvedt, Vidar Ormåsen, Børre Fevang, Cathrine Austad, Karl Erik Müller, Cathrine Fladeby, Mona Holberg-Petersen, Bente Halvorsen, Fredrik Müller, Pål Aukrust, Susanne Dudman, Thor Ueland, Jan Terje Andersen, Fridtjof Lund-Johansen, Lars Heggelund, Anne M. Dyrhol-Riise, and Tom E. Mollnes
Systemic complement activation is associated with respiratory failure in COVID-19 hospitalized patients
PNAS first published September 17, 2020

Jan Cato Holter

Søren E. Pischke

Tom E. Mollnes

Norwegian SARS-CoV-2 study, led by Jan Cato Holter

Division of Laboratory Medicine

Department of Immunology

Department of Microbiology

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