Dr Ragnar Mørk´s Prize for excellent cancer research 2021 to Anita Sveen

Anita Sveen, flanked by Harald Stenmark (left) and Carl Rieber-Mohn
Anita Sveen, flanked by Harald Stenmark (left) and Carl Rieber-Mohn

Anita Sveen from the Department of Molecular Oncolocy is this year's winner of the prestigious Dr. Ragnar Mørk's Prize for cancer research. Anita received the prize of NOK 200.000 for her excellent work on colorectal cancer during an award ceremony in the Auditorium of the Research building on Friday 19th November. After receiving the prize, Anita gave a 30-minutes presentation of her work, and this was be followed by cakes and drinks in the canteen area.


14:00 Introduction about Dr. Ragnar Mørk’s Prize by the legacy’s business manager, Carl Rieber-Mohn
14:10 Introduction of the prize winner by the chair of the prize committee, Harald Stenmark
14:15 Prize winner’s lecture
14:45 Coffee and cake will be available for everyone in the canteen area

Prize committee: Harald Stenmark, Gunhild Mælandsmo, Olav Klingenberg, Erlend B. Smeland

From the ceremony (photos taken by Chema Bassols):

Anita Sveen with Ragnhild A. Lothe
Harald A. Stenmark, Anita Sveen and legacy business manager Carl Rieber-Mohn.


Anita Sveen's CV and publications

Home page of the Genetics Group, headed by Ragnhild A. Lothe

Department of Molecular Oncology

Previous news articles about Anita Sveen from ous-research.no:

Anita Sveen awarded the ICR "Researcher of the Year" Prize for 2020

The 2019 Oslo University Hospital Researcher Awards to Andreassen, Kalager and Sveen

Comprehensive review article about the complexity of biomarkers in colorectal cancer published in Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology

Young Investigator Prize to Anita Sveen during annual "Onkologisk Forum" meeting Nov 2017

Previous years winners of the Ragnar Mørks' legacy prize:

2020: Theo Theodossiou
2019: Karl-Johan Malmberg
2018: Kaisa Haglund
2017: June Myklebust
2016: Therese Sørlie
2015: Guro E. Lind
2014: Arne Kolstad
2013: Kjersti Flatmark
2012: Vessela N. Kristensen
2011: Camilla Raiborg
2010: Heidi Lyng
2009: Rolf I. Skotheim
2008: Tor Erik Rusten
2007: Anne Simonsen
2006: Bjørn Naume
2005: Gunhild Mælandsmo
2004: Mouldy Sioud

2003: Ragnhild A. Lothe
2002: Antoni Wiedlocha
2001: Eivind Hovig

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