Anita Sveen
- Project group leader, Associate professor
- +47 2278 1719
Current positions
Project group leader in Computational Oncology & Deputy group leader of the Lothe lab
Associate Professor at Inst. Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo
Academic degrees
2012: PhD in Cancer Genomics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, Norway
2007: MSc in Molecular Biology, Faculty of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Science, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway
Translational research of colorectal cancer: genomics and transcriptomics in precision cancer medicine
Tumor heterogeneity: computational modeling of subclonal evolution and phenotypic plasticity in multiregional and multi-lesion samples of primary and metastatic tumors
Pharmacogenomics of colorectal cancer: integration of pharmacological data from drug screens of preclinical models with molecular profiles to identify the mechanisms and predictive biomarkers of treatment response
Fellowships and awards
2021: Dr Ragnar Mørk’s legacy prize for excellent cancer research
2020: Researcher of the Year, Inst. Cancer Research and the Norwegian Radium Hospital Legacy
2019: Early Career Award, Oslo University Hospital
2018: Appointed Associate Professor, Inst. Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo
2017: Young Investigator Award, Onkologisk Forum
2015: Personal researcher grant, the Norwegian Cancer Society
2023-2027: Converting inoperable to curable metastatic cancer (translational research in transplant oncology). The Norwegian Cancer Society
2023-2026: Functional treatment decision tools in solid tumors. South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authorities
2023-2026: Functional precision oncology of colorectal cancer. Division of Cancer Medicine, Oslo University Hospital
2020-2025: PRIMO CRC: precision immuno-oncology for colorectal cancer. The Norwegian Cancer Society
2019-2024: TEAM-ACT: tumor evolution in advanced models to accelerate precision cancer therapy. Oslo University Hospital Strategic Research Area
2019-2024: Catching up with metastatic colorectal cancer heterogeneity. Research Council of Norway
2019-2023: CLEVER: clonal evolution and evaluation of response to targeted treatment in BRAF mutant metastatic colorectal cancer. South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authorities
Selected publications (as first or senior author)
Langerud J, Eilertsen IA, Moosavi SH, Klokkerud SM, Backe I, Hektoen M, Sjo O, Jeanmougin M, Tejpar S, Nesbakken A, Lothe RA, Sveen A. Multiregional transcriptomics identifies congruent consensus molecular subtypes with prognostic value beyond tumor heterogeneity in colorectal cancer. Under review at Nature Portfolio. DOI 10.21203/rs.3.rs-3290125/v1
Sveen A, Johannessen B, Klokkerud SM, Kraggerud SM, Meza-Zepeda LA, Bjørnslett M, Bischof K, Myklebost O, Taskén K, Skotheim RI, Dørum A, Davidson B, Lothe RA. Evolutionary mode and timing of dissemination of high-grade serous carcinomas. JCI Insight 2024 (in press). DOI 10.1172/jci.insight.170423
Moosavi SH, Eide PW, Eilertsen IA, Brunsell TH, Berg KCG, Røsok BI, Brudvik KW, Bjørnbeth BA, Guren MG, Nesbakken A, Lothe RA, Sveen A. De novo transcriptomic subtyping of colorectal cancer liver metastases in the context of tumor heterogeneity. Genome Med 2021;13:143
Smeby J, Kryeziu K, Berg KCG, Eilertsen IA, Eide PW, Johannessen B, Guren MG, Nesbakken A, Bruun J, Lothe RA, Sveen A. Molecular correlates of sensitivity to PARP inhibition beyond homologous recombination deficiency in pre-clinical models of colorectal cancer point to wild-type TP53 activity. EBioMed 2020;59:102923
Sveen A, Kopetz S, Lothe RA. Biomarker-guided therapy for colorectal cancer: strength in complexity. Nat Rev Clin Oncol 2020;17:11-32
Sveen A, Bruun J, Eide PW, Eilertsen IA, Ramirez L, Murumägi A, Arjama M, Danielsen SA, Kryeziu K, Elez E, Tabernero J, Guinney J, Palmer HG, Nesbakken A, Kallioniemi O, Dienstmann R, Lothe RA. Colorectal cancer consensus molecular subtypes translated to preclinical models uncover potentially targetable cancer cell dependencies. Clin Cancer Res 2018;24(4):794-806
Computational tool
CMScaller: R package for consensus molecular subtyping of colorectal cancer preclinical models (v.1.0) and liver metastases (v.2.0)
Granted patent (US and Europe) and 4 patent applications for biomarkers of colorectal cancer.
Invited presentations (recent international meetings)
2023: Nordic Precision Cancer Medicine Symposium, Oslo, Norway. “Functional oncology of metastatic colorectal cancer in the context of tumor heterogeneity”
2023: European Association for Cancer Research and Organisation for European Cancer Institutes (EACR-OECI) Molecular Pathology Approach to Cancer, Bergamo, Italy. “Multiregional molecular profiling of colorectal cancers defines prognostic features less vulnerable to tumor heterogeneity”
2022: American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Special Conference: Colorectal Cancer, Portland, Oregon, USA. “Tumor organoids of multi-metastatic colorectal cancer: From research tools to treatment decision tools”
Outreach (selected articles)
2021: Popular science article in Aftenposten about personal treatment modelling using tumor organoids
2020: Interview at NRK Distriktsnyheter Innlandet
2015-2020 Popular science articles at the official websites of The Norwegian Cancer Society and NORILCO, and interviews at forskning.no and the TEKNA magazine
Complete publication list