Strønen and Olweus publish article in Science on the use of donor immunity to target cancer

Erlend Strønen and Johanna Olweus from the Department of Immunology at the Institute for Cancer Research and the K.G. Jebsen Centre for Cancer Immunotherapy are first and joint last author respectively on a paper recently (May 19th) published in Science (journal impact factor 33.6), entitled "Targeting of cancer neoantigens with donor-derived T cell receptor repertoires".
The international research team - based in Oslo, Amsterdam and Copenhagen - has made a breakthrough methodological development in generating broad and tumour-specific T-cell immune responses based on a novel allogeneic approach. This is a powerful technological advancement which can in the relatively near future be subjected to clinical testing.
The Science article:
Targeting of cancer neoantigens with donor-derived T cell receptor repertoires
Erlend Strønen, Mireille Toebes, Sander Kelderman, Marit M. van Buuren, Weiwen Yang, Nienke van Rooij, Marco Donia, Maxi-Lu Böschen, Fridtjof Lund-Johansen, Johanna Olweus,, Ton N. Schumacher.
Science 19 May 2016: DOI: 10.1126/science.aaf2288
Johanne Olweus' research group: Immunotherapy and Antigen presentation
Department of Immunology, Institute for Cancer Research
K.G. Jebsen Centre for Cancer Immunotherapy