42 scientists from Oslo University Hospital granted 69.2 mill NOK from the Norwegian Cancer Society

Oslo University Hospital (OUH) celebrated on Tuesday October 28th this year's research funding from the Norwegian Cancer Society (NCS). Talks were held by cured ex-lymphoma patient Ulf Prytz and scientist Hege Russnes. OUH general director Bjørn Erikstein and head of the Divison of Cancer Medicine, Surgery and Transplantation Sigmund Smeland thanked the NCS on behalf of the hospital. The projects granted support were announced by secretary-general in NCS Anne Lise Ryel. OUH received in total 69,2 mill NOK, distributed between 42 scientists.

Researchers supported by the NCS gathered during the celebration (click to enlarge)

More photos from the event:

Large collection of excellent high-quality photos (NB - photos available in November 2014 only) 

Photographer: Thomas Barstad Eckhoff

Projects granted supported by the Norwegian Cancer Society

Applicant Project title
Institution Granted
Alseth, Ingrun RNA modifications in cancer; the role of Endonuclease V OUS Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (3 years), Running costs  2 693 810
Anderson, Kristina Clinical surveillance and therapeutic targeting of MDS stem cells OUS Running costs  150 000
Bjørås, Magnar Molykære mekansimer for DNA reparasjon OUS Technical position (3 years), Running costs  1 945 813
Bogen, Bjarne Idiotype-spesifikke T cellers cytotoksiske egenskaper overfor B lymfom celler in vivo og in vitro OUS Technical position (1 year), Running costs  681 000
Boye, Kjetil Circulating tumor DNA as a biomarker in gastrointestinal stromal tumor OUS Career Development Research Fellowship (3 years), Running costs  1 421 360
Fodstad, Øystein Tumor-og molekylærbiologiske studier av metastaser. Utvikling av nye diagnostiske og terapeutiske metoder OUS Running costs  150 000
Gaustad, Jon-Vidar Antiangiogenic treatment of malignant melanoma OUS Running costs  100 000
Haglund, Kaisa Cytokinesis and carcinogenesis OUS Running costs  100 000
Heim, Sverre Molecular cytogenetic analysis of carcinomas and brain tumors OUS Technical position (1 year), Running costs  681 000
Hovig, Eivind Metodeutvikling for molekylærbiologisk karakterisering og manipulering av metastaseprosessen OUS Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (3 years), Running costs  2 693 811
Klungland, Arne Characterization of novel and known DNA modifications in cancer initiation and progression OUS Technical position (3 years), Running costs  1 945 813
Krauss, Stefan Tankyrase inhibition in personalized cancermedicine–defining patient inclusion criteria:tankyrase attenuating factors by shRNAbarcode screen OUS Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (3 years), Running costs  2 693 811
Kristensen, Vessela The genetic Make-up and metabolic profile of breast cancer patients; relation to clinical course and treatment response OUS Technical position (3 years), Running costs  1 945 813
Leithe, Edward Rollen til ubiquitin og ubiquitin-liknende proteiner i nedregulering av tumorsuppressorproteiner ved utvikling av kolorektal kreft OUS Running costs  100 000
Llorente, Alicia Extracellular Vesicles and Prostate Cancer: In Search of Tumorigenesis Mechanisms and Biomarkers OUS Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (3 years), Running costs  2 693 811
Lothe, Ragnhild Kreft, et resultat av genetiske og epigenetiske endringer. Modeller og mekanismer. OUS Technical position (3 years), Running costs  2 095 813
Lyng, Heidi Molecular biomarkers in radiotherapy of cancer OUS Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (3 years), Running costs  2 693 811
Malinen, Eirik Personalized image guided therapy OUS Running costs  100 000
Malmberg, Karl-Johan Development of Cell Therapies for Malignant Lymphomas Based on New Insights Into Natural Killer Cell Repertoire Diversity OUS Running costs  250 000
Meza Zepeda, Leonardo A Genome-wide genetic and epigenetic programs in cancer OUS Running costs  100 000
Micci, Francesca Integrated genomic characterization of ovarian tumors  OUS Running costs  100 000
Moe, Morten Epigenetic Basis of Human Uveal Melanoma as a Target for Future Therapy OUS Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (3 years)  2 543 811
Myklebost, Ola Mesenchymal Cancer Medicine OUS Technical position (3 years), Running costs  1 945 813
Mælandsmo, Gunhild Therapeutic approaches and molecular understanding of metastatic cancer OUS Running costs  150 000
Naume, Bjørn Targeting occult tumor cell dissemination in localized breast cancer OUS Technical position (3 years), Running costs  1 945 813
OFarrell, Fergal A model for investigating tumor microenvironment interactions in vivo OUS Career Development Research Fellowship (3 years)  2 642 720
Patzke, Sebastian Expression and Function of CSPP1 - From Molecular Cell Biology to Clinically Distinct Subtypes of Basal-like Breast Cancer OUS Running costs  50 000
Raiborg, Camilla ER-Endosome Contact: Implications for Tumour Suppressor Pathways, Cell Migration and Invasion  OUS Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (3 years), Running costs  2 593 811
Rofstad, Einar Tumor-Radiobiologi OUS Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (3 years), Running costs  2 693 811
Russnes, Hege Elisabeth Intra tumor heterogeneity; from single cell analysis to diagnostic tools. OUS Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (3 years)  2 543 811
Rusten, Tor Erik Unveiling mechanisms of carcinogenesis using Drosophila melanogaster and human organoid models OUS Senior Research Fellowship (4.-7. year)  3 719 244
Ruud, Ellen  Health impairments in young survivors after allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation OUS Running costs  100 000
Sandvig, Kirsten Endocytosis and intracellular sorting of protein toxins OUS Technical position (3 years), Running costs  2 095 813
Skotheim, Rolf Kvalitativ transkriptvariasjon i kreft OUS Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (3 years), Running costs  2 843 811
Smeland, Erlend B. Biology of B cell lymphoma - identification of new diagnostic markers and targets for therapeutic intervention  OUS Technical position (1 year), Running costs  681 000
Stang, Espen Targeting Cdc37 as a tool to down-regulate the oncoprotein ErbB2/HER2 OUS Running costs  100 000
Stenmark, Harald Cell division and cancer OUS Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (3 years), Technical position (3 years), Running costs  4 739 624
Syljuåsen, Randi DNA damage checkpoint signaling, hypoxia and radiation OUS Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (3 years), Running costs  2 693 811
Sørlie, Therese Molecular portraits of breast cancer: Translating genomics to the clinical practice OUS Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (3 years), Running costs  2 643 811
Taskén, Kristin Towards a potential role of beta-blockers in future cancer treatment - Filling the gaps OUS Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (3 years), Running costs  2 643 811
Tveita, Anders Establishing the mechanistic basis and dynamics of CD4+ anti-tumor immune responses OUS Career Development Research Fellowship (3 years)  2 642 720
Wang, Junbai Building next generation predictive models of gene regulation by incorporating diverse information OUS Running costs  100 000
Wesche, Jørgen Novel regulators of cancer cell migration OUS Senior Research Fellowship (7.-8. year)  1 804 670
Amdal, Cecilie Delphin  Patient-reported outcomes in cancer patients; important both in clinical studies and clinical practise OUS Klinisk korttidsstipend (24 mnd)  914 640
Dale, Einar Prognostic value of PET-CT before radiotherapy of head & neck cancer OUS Klinisk korttidsstipend (24 mnd)  914 640
Grotmol, Tom Association between DNA methylation and the development of the metabolic syndrome after chemotherapy for testicular cancer Kreftregisteret Running costs  100 000
Hofvind, Solveig Understanding DCIS and which women are overdiagnosed Kreftregisteret Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (3 years)  2 543 811
Møller, Bjørn Prostate Cancer in Norway 2004-2011: Curative treatment and survival Kreftregisteret Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (3 years)  2 543 811
Nygård, Mari Advanced knowledge and technology challenge concepts in cervical cancer control: time to revisit existing cervical cancer screening program Kreftregisteret Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (3 years), Running costs  2 693 811
Robsahm, Trude Vitamin D, obesity and cutaneous malignant melanoma: risk, survival and risk of subsequent cancers  Kreftregisteret Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (3 years), Running costs  2 643 811

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