Helene Hartvedt Grytli first author on article printed in European Urology and mentioned in The Oncology Report

Helene H. Grytli
Helene H. Grytli

Helene Hartvedt Grytli from Kristin A. Taskén's "Group of Urological Molecular Biology" at the Department of Tumor Biology is first author on a paper entitled "Association Between Use of β-Blockers and Prostate Cancer-Specific Survival: A Cohort Study of 3561 Prostate Cancer Patients with High-Risk or Metastatic Disease" published in the prestigious journal European Urology (journal impact factor 10.5) (print version March 2014).
The findings have been given special attention through an article in "The Oncology Report", under the headline "Beta-blockers linked to lower mortality in high-risk prostate cancer".




Association Between Use of β-Blockers and Prostate Cancer-Specific Survival: A Cohort Study of 3561 Prostate Cancer Patients with High-Risk or Metastatic Disease
Grytli HH, Fagerland MW, Fosså SD, Taskén KA.
Eur Urol. 2014 Mar;65(3):635-41. doi: 10.1016/j.eururo.2013.01.007. Epub 2013 Jan 14.

Mention of the findings in The Oncology Report:
Beta-blockers linked to lower mortality in high-risk prostate cancer

Kristin A. Taskén's Group of Urological Molecular Biology

Deparment of Tumor Biology

Institute for Cancer Research

Previous articles about the research project:

«Prostate Cancer's nerves», by Lauren Martz Nature Publishing Group SciBX: Science-Business eXchange, August 1st 2013 Interview of Kristin Austlid Taskén 

«Prostate Cancers get nerved up», Cancer Discovery, July 25, 2013; doi: 10.1158/2159-8290. 

«Blood pressure tablets can slash cancer risk», by Joe Willey, EXPRESS Home of the daily and sunday express, May20th 2013 

«Beta-blocker use associated lower mortality», Nature Review Urology 10, 126 (2013), published online February12th 2013 

«Beta-blocker use may lower PCa mortality in high-risk patients», by Jody A. Charnow, Renal & Urology News, January 25th 2013 

«De mye brukte hjertemedisinen beta-blokkere synes å hjelpe mot alvorlig prostatakreft» by Tom B. Ingebrigtsen, NRK Nyhetsmorgen by January 4th 2013


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