Publication in Nature Medicine: Norwegian cancer initiatives receive international attention

Kjetil Taskén,
first author
Kjetil Taskén,
first author

The precision cancer medicine ecosystem established in Norway and the ongoing implementation in the health care system are unique in an international context. The description of the entire ecosystem was published in Nature Medicine on May 5th.
“These initiatives represent a triple-win effect,” says first author Kjetil Taskén, Head and Director of Institute of Cancer Research at Oslo University Hospital and Professor at University of Oslo. “The patients gain access to modern treatments; the researchers can investigate the effect of different medicines on new indications; and the industry can expand the application of their drugs.”

– This publication is a recognition of the work we do in Norway. We are very pleased with how far we have come together as a team with participants from all stakeholders in the ecosystem, the hospitals, public side with the regional health authorities, Ministry of Health, The Norwegian Medicines Agency, Norwegian Institute of Public Health and industry. This is also reflected in the list of authors which includes 116 authors from InPreD, IMPRESS-Norway and CONNECT says Sigbjørn Smeland, Head of Division for Cancer Medicine, Oslo University Hospital.

Read more:

From Connect Norway:  Norwegian Cancer Precision Medicine Implementation Consortium:
Norwegian cancer initiatives receive international attention

From Impress Norway:
Description of the Norwegian Precision Medicine Initiatives published in Nature

From Oslo Cancer Cluster:
Norwegian cancer initiatives receive international attention

In Norwegian:

Press release from Oslo University Hospital:
Nasjonalt presisjonsmedisin-initiativ for kreft vekker internasjonal oppsikt

Dagens Medisin:
Norsk samarbeid innen kreft løftes frem i Nature Medicine

The Nature Medicine article:
A national precision cancer medicine implementation initiative for Norway.
Taskén K, Russnes HEG, Aas E, Bjørge L, Blix ES; CONNECT Public–Private Partnership Consortium, Enerly E, Fagereng GL, Flobak Å, Gilje B, Gjertsen BT, Guren TK, Heix J, Hovig E, Hovland R; InPreD-Norway and National Molecular Tumor Board Consortium; IMPRESS-Norway Consortium, Lønning PE, Meza-Zepeda LA, Mæhle PM, Nilsen HL, Thoresen SØ, Widerberg K, Smeland S, Helland Å.
Nat Med. 2022 May 5. doi: 10.1038/s41591-022-01777-4. 
PMID: 35513529

From left: Sigbjørn Smeland, Gro Live Fagereng, Åslaug Helland, Kjetil Taskén and Hege Russnes.


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