News and vacancies

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CLL-CLUE workshop in Copenhagen, November 2023

Summer outing at the Oslofjord

Welcoming summer with a day out at the Oslofjord. From left: Yanping Yin, Johanne U. Hermansen, Andrea M. Brodersen, Sigrid S. Skånland.

Excellent research article prize to the group

The article "Functional testing to characterize and stratify PI3K inhibitor responses in chronic lymphocytic leukemia" was one of 6 winners of the Excellent research article prize published in the second half of 2022 at Oslo University Hospital. First author Yanping Yin (third from the right), PostDoc in the Skånland project group, received the prize on June 14th 2023, which includes 50.000 NOK for further reserach. (Photo: Matthias Kolberg)

Poster prize at the Nordic CLL Study Group Educational Meeting 2023

Johanne U. Hermansen (centre), PhD student in the Skånland project group, won the poster pitch prize for her abstract "PI3K inhibitor-resistant B-cell lymphomas show distinct functional phenotypes characterized by sensitivity to Bcl-2- or proteasome-inhibition" at the 3rd Nordic CLL Study Group Educational Meeting in Copenhagen, April 2023. Left: Maria Andersson (Karolinska University Hospital), right: Tereza Faitová (Rigshospitalet).

Group picnic, September 2022

Group picnic in the Vigeland Park in Oslo. From left: Vilde, Sigrid S. Skånland, Aleksandra Urban, Johanne U. Hermansen, Yanping Yin.

Best translational paper prize 2022

Yanping Yin (right), PostDoc in the Skånland project group, won the best translational paper 2022 prize at the K.G. Jebsen Centre for B-cell Malignancies retreat in Holmenkollen, August 2022.

Presentation in the Education Session on CLL at EHA, June 2022

Sigrid S. Skånland gave a presentation on functional precision medicine in the Education Session on CLL at EHA in Vienna, June 2022.

Group dinner, March 2022

From left: Sigrid S. Skånland, Johanne U. Hermansen, Yanping Yin, Aleksandra Urban.

Lab retreat to Tryvannstua with Taskén group, June 2021

From the news

Interview with PhD student Johanne U. Hermansen (July 2023):

NMBU-alumn bidrar til livsviktig forskning på kreft

Onkologisk Tidsskrift (December 2022):

Zanubrutinib øker PFS mot kronisk lymfatisk leukemi og

småcellet lymfocytært lymfom

OUS-research (August 2022):

Clinical Cancer Research publication: Functional testing of tumor cells can

predict response to therapy in cancer patients

VJ HemOnc (March 2022):

Drug sensitivity testing in CLL

HealthTalk (March, 2022):

Norske forskere har behandlet den første leukemipasienten med funksjonell presisjonsmedisin

OUS-research (March, 2022):

Haematologica publication: Cancer patient at OUH received treatment guided

by drug sensitivity testing of tumor cells

BestPractice Nordic (December, 2021):

MRD ved behandling av KLL - en oppdatering fra ASH


HealthTalk (April, 2021):

Legemiddelresistens ved kronisk lymfatisk leukemi -

Hva er de underliggende mekanismene, og hvordan kan det foregygges og behandles?


 Oslo Cancer Cluster (March, 2021):

 Talking about cancer research and equality



HealthTalk (December, 2020):

ASH-konferansen oppsummert med Sigrid Skånland

Dagens Medisin (December, 2020):

Samler data om sykehus-pasienter med covid-19 og leukemi


HealthTalk (December, 2020):

Dette er blodkreft 


HealthTalk (November, 2020):

Kunstig intelligens skal gi blodkreftpasienter bedre behandling og færre bivirkninger


OUS-research (October, 2020):

ERA PerMed grant awarded to European consortium led by Sigrid S. Skånland


OUS-research (September, 2019):

Personalized prediction of drug dose


Medisinbloggen (February, 2019):

Hva er blodkreft?


Aftenposten Viten (September, 2019):

Skreddersydd kreftbehandling skåner pasienten


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