Olympus VS200 Slide scanner

The SLIDEVIEW VS200 digital slide scanner is equipped with a loader for upto 210 slides, robotics for automatic loading of slides into the scanner, and light sources and cameras for both brightfield and fluorescence image scanning. It has automatic sample detection,  Autofocus system,  a 2x objective for overview-scans, and 4x, 10x, 20x, 40x and 60x objectives for high quality, quantitative detailed imaging. The system can automatically scan overview and detailed images of samples mounted on glass-slides (standard 26x76mm, or larger).

Imaging Techniques:

  • Brightfield imaging of tissue/tissue sections stained with HE, HRP-immunostain, or others.
  • Fluoresence imaging of upto four colors (blue, green, red and farred).
  • 3D/Z-stack imaging
  • Multibatch scanning of slides
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