Next-generation sequencing workshop

The Norwegian Core facility for bioinformatics held a workshop in Oslo, December 15. 2009

Click the titles in the list below to see the lectures:

Norwegian high-throughput sequencing centre (NSC)
Presenter: Robert Lyle, Avdeling for medisinsk genetikk, Oslo universitetssykehus, Ullevål

The cod genome project
: Lex Nederbragt, Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis (CEES), University of Oslo

Challenges in digital gene expression profiling
Presenter: Edwin Cuppen, Hubrecht Institute and University Medical Center Utrecht, The Netherlands

ChIP-seq and genomic enrichment experiments: Short reads and Biology
Presenter: Edwin Cuppen, Hubrecht Institute and University Medical Center Utrecht, The Netherlands

Tumor suppressor gene identification by deep sequencing
Presenter: Eivind Hovig, Professor dr.philos, Tumorbiologisk avdeling, Institutt for kreftforskning, Oslo universitetssykehus, Radiumhospitalet

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