New Centre of Excellence: The PRecision Immunotherapy Alliance (PRIMA) funded with 155 mNOK

Co-directors Johanne Olweus and Karl Johan Malmberg
Co-directors Johanne Olweus and Karl Johan Malmberg

On September 23rd he Research Council of Norway published the results of the latest Centre of Excellence call.
The PRecision Immunotherapy Alliance (PRIMA) was funded as a CoE with 155 mNOK over 10 years.

The center will have Kalle Malmberg and Johanna Olweus as co-directors and includes their groups and that of June Myklebust (PI) at ICR, and also Ludvig Munthe, Jan Terje Andersen and Fridtjof Lund-Johansen at Department of Immunology and Transfusion Medicine (RH) as well as Emma Haapaniemi (NCMM) as PIs and with UiO as host and OUH as partner.

About PRecision Immunotherapy Alliance (PRIMA), from the Research Council press release:

From the celebration at the Institute for Cancer Research

Immunotherapy has created new opportunities for many cancer patients. A single injection of a certain type of immune cells can cure even advanced disease. But this treatment is only effective against a handful of cancers. Now researchers will further develop the form of treatment so that it can be used to cure several forms of cancer. The goal is to create a set of tailor-made therapy cells so that it is possible to handpick the form of treatment that best suits the individual patient.


From the Norwegian Research Council (in Norwegian):
1,4 milliarder kroner til ni nye sentre for fremragende forskning

From the University of Oslo (in Norwegian):
Nytt Senter for fremragende forskning på immunterapi

Fem nye Sentre for fremragende forskning til UiO

From Oslo Cancer Cluster:
New centre for precision immunotherapy


Home pages of:

The Experimental Immunotherapy Group (Olweus)

Natural Killer Cell Biology and Cell Therapy (Malmberg)

Lymphoma Biology Group (Myklebust)

Blood and Lymphoproliferative Diseases (Munthe)

The Laboratory of Adaptive Immunity and Homeostasis (Andersen)

Protein Array Group (Lund-Johansen)

Institute for Cancer Research

Department of Immunology and Transfusion Medicine

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