Helene Wingård Skøien
- Master student; Bsc (Bio)
2023-2025: MSc in Genome Science, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, NMBU Ås, Norway.
2022-2023: Last year BSc at National Institute of Applied Sciences: INSA Toulouse, France.
2020-2023: BSc in Biotechnology, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, NMBU Ås. Main studies: Molecular Biology.
Research interests/projects:
Cancer immunotherapy: Optimization of T-cell culture and improving expression of CAR/TCR.
(in the future) Artificial Intelligence as a tool for improving personalized medicine
Work experience:
Summer 2024: Laboratory assistant, Dept. of laboratory medicine, Microbiology unit, Nordlandssykehuset Bodø
May 2021- June 2022: Consultant for Covid-19 vaccination, Bærum kommune