Welcome to the Centre for Advanced Cell Therapy (ACT). ACT is a core facility resource situated at Oslo University Hospital, the Radium hospital.

The primary goal of the ACT-centre is to facilitate the development of novel advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMP) and make novel therapies available to Norwegian patients. 

Through a single entry point, ACT will support and guide clients through the required steps from research product to a quality assured product for use in clinical trials. This involves facilitating regulatory issues, process development, process validation, agreements, financing etc.

Competence and resources in ACT are available for developing customized production processes for the projects that have passed through the Research and Protocol Board.


  1. To serve as a national pre-GMP/GMP infrastructure for clinical implementation of internationally leading research in cell and gene therapy
  2. To serve as national state-of-the-art advisors in ATMP development, concerning therapy effectiveness, safety and cost-benefit analysis
  3. To make strategic recruitments and acquire expertise in GMP, with a particular emphasis on gene-editing technologies
  4. To create a fundament for innovation and facilitate industrial collaborations, to position Norway at the international forefront in this highly competitive area of medicine. 
  5. To facilitate development of novel life-saving and life quality-enhancing therapies for diseases that are currently incurable

Contact us

E-mail: ACT@ous-hf.no

Visiting address: Forskningsbygget, Ullernchausseen 70, 0379 Oslo, Norway

Postal address: P.O. BOX 4953 Nydalen, 0424 Oslo, Norway

ACT questionnaire (download PDF document)