Molecular and immunological MS studies Ongoing projects

In the MultipleMS (Home - MultipleMS), Prof. Hanne F. Harbo is PI and work package leader. The consortium has more than 20 academic partners and aims at develop novel personalized medicine approaches for MS patients. 

Yngvild Tronstad and Sophie Alseen

Molecular and functional characterization of MS susceptibility genes

In our lab we have focused on molecular characterization of CLEC16A and DEXI, two MS susceptibility genes.

Neurofilament as an MS disease marker

PhD fellowship project – funded by South Eastern Norway Health Authorities.

epiNOR-MS: Identification of epigenetic biomarkers for treatment response in Multiple Sclerosis - implications for precision medicine

This project is performed in close collaboration with NOR-MS study group (OUS), Kristina Gervin in the Neurogenetics group and Hans-Christian Aass (OUS) and Professor Maja Jagodic at the Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden. Funded by Stiftelsen Dam, the MS society, Odd Fellow Society, Anders Jahres Foundation and Halvor Høies Fund.

Samtykke epiNOR-MS

Multiple sclerosis and aging – a real world, population-based cohort study

A research project headed by Cecilia Smith Simonsen from Vestre Viken Hospital, Drammen.

Photo: Tone Berge and her colleague from the Neuroscience Research Unit (NRU), researcher and associate Professor Linda M Pedersen prepare DNA samples for epigenetic analyses in the NRU lab at Domus Medica 4, Gaustad, Oslo.

EV-DIM-MS –Molecular signatures from extracellular vesicles for improved decision-making and treatment of multiple sclerosis.

In collaboration with Alicia Llorente (OUH), funded by Fondsstiftelsen OUS.

International MS Genetics Consortium, aiming at identifying genomic components increasing the risk for disease onset and progression. 

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