Helene Knævelsrud receives ERC starting grant

Helene Knævelsrud (photo: Øystein Horgmo)
Helene Knævelsrud (photo: Øystein Horgmo)

CanCell project leader Helene Knævelsrud has secured an ERC starting grant for her project, FINALphagy - Final act of autophagy symphony: Whole organism orchestration of autophagy termination .

Using fruit flies as a model system, she aims to study how autophagy is turned off in the body.

Helene is one of the eight researchers who bring the prestigious funding to Norway this year.


Original news article from the CanCell home page at UiO:
Helene Knævelsrud receives ERC starting grant

Article listing the eight awardees (from Khrono - an independent news paper for higher education and research):
Hun er en av åtte forskere i Norge som henter hjem millioner i prestisje­midler

Home page of CanCell - Centre for Cancer Cell Reprogramming

Home page of Helene Knævelsrud's project group:
Mapping and disrupting cancer circuits

Helene Knævelrud's publications

Home page of Jorrit Enserink's group:
Cancer Molecular medicine

Department of Molecular Cell Biology

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