Institute Seminar Wednesday 30th of November Jon-Vidar Gaustad – Dept. of Radiation Biology

The next Institute Seminar will take place Wednesday 30th of November at 12:00 in the auditorium in the Research Building, Montebello.
Speaker is Jon-Vidar Gaustad from Einar Rofstad's group at the Department of Radiation Biology

Title of his talk: “Intravital microscopy and MR: Live imaging of tumor vasculature and the effects of antiangiogenic drugs”

Intravital microscopy and MR: Live imaging of tumor vasculature and the effects of antiangiogenic drugs

We have investigated the effects of different antiangiogenic drugs in preclinical models of malignant melanoma. In these experiments, tumors have been grown in dorsal window chambers in mice. The tumor vasculature can be seen through the window of these chambers, and can thus be studied in great detail by using a standard microscope. I will introduce the intravital microscopy technique and present data obtained with the technique. These data demonstrate that antiangiogenic drugs targeting different angiogenic pathways can have fundamentally different effect on tumor vasculature and may have opposite effect on tumor hypoxia. We have also investigated whether the effect of antiangiogenic treatment can be detected non-invasively with MR imaging. I will also present results from these experiments.


Jon-Vidar Gaustad's publications

Home page of Group of Radiation Biology and Tumor Physiology headed by Einar K. Rofstad

Department of Radiation Biology

Institute seminars, autumn 2016

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