Paper from Kristin A. Taskén's group published in Europen Urology and commented in Renal & Urology News

Kristin A. Taskén (left) and first author Helene H. Grytli

In an article recently published in the high-rated journal Europen Urology (journal impact factor 8.493) Kristin A. Taskén and coworkers show that beta-blocker use by men with high-risk or metastatic prostate cancer (PCa) is associated with a decreased risk of PCa-specific mortality.
The findings are given attention on the online medical news website Renal & Urology News, in an article entitled "Beta-Blockers May Lower PCa Mortality in High-Risk Patients".


Article from the medical news website "Renal & Urology News":
Beta-Blockers May Lower PCa Mortality in High-Risk Patients

The original article:
Association Between Use of β-Blockers and Prostate Cancer-Specific Survival: A Cohort Study of 3561 Prostate Cancer Patients with High-Risk or Metastatic Disease.

Grytli HH, Fagerland MW, Fosså SD, Taskén KA.
Eur Urol. 2013 Jan 14. [Epub ahead of print]

Home page of Krstin A. Taskén's group: Group of Urological Molecular Biology

Department of Tumor Biology

Previous news on about Taskén's research:

Findings from Taskén group covered by NRK:
Use of beta-blockers reduce prostate cancer specific mortality (12.10.2012)

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