Eric K. Fernström's Nordic prize for 2023 to Harald Stenmark

Harald Stenmark
Harald Stenmark

The Eric K. Fernström's Nordic prize for 2023 goes to Harald Stenmark, leader of the Cellular membrane dynamics research group at the Department of Molecular Cell Biology at the Institute for Cancer Research.

For Harald Stenmark, the awarding of Eric K. Fernström's Nordic prize was as unexpected as it was gratifying.

"It is a very pleasant surprise! I hope that this leads to the importance of basic research being noticed. Basic research is an important part of research, even if it sometimes takes time", says a proud award winner.

Harald Stenmark is recognized for his pioneering research in cell biology, where he has clarified in detail the functions of proteins essential for the regulation of endosomes and cell division with significance for cancer.

The Eric K. Fernström Nordic Prize is awarded annually by the Eric K. Fernström Foundation at the Faculty of Medicine at Lund University. The prize is awarded to an outstanding medical researcher from one of the Nordic countries. This year, the prize is worth SEK 500,000, and will be awarded on Research Day on 8 November in Lund.

The award was announced via a press release from the Faculty of Medicine at Lund University.


Original news article from Lund University (in Swedish):
Eric K. Fernströms nordiska pris 2023 till cancerforskare

News article from the University of Oslo, Faculty of Medicine home page (in Norwegian):
Eric K. Fernströms nordiske pris for 2023 til Harald Stenmark

Home page of Harald Stenmark's group:
Cellular membrane dynamics

Department of Molecular Cell Biology

News articles from about awards previously won by Harald Stenmark:

Harald Stenmark awarded Anders Jahre's medical prize for 2022

Fridtjof Nansen award 2021 for excellent research to Harald A. Stenmark

The University of Oslo Research Award 2018 til Harald Stenmark

Møbius 2015: Prestigious award from the Research Council of Norway to Harald A. Stenmark

King Olav V's cancer research prize for 2014 to Harald A. Stenmark

Oslo University Hospital's Excellent Researcher Award 2013 to Harald Stenmark

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