Sander Johannes Thorbjørnsen Guttorm

  • PhD student; MSc
  • +47 230 70 911


  • 2021-2023: MSc in Analytical Chemistry, University of Oslo, Norway
  • 2018-2021: BSc in Chemistry, University of Oslo, Norway


Research Summary

Sander's main research interests are bioanalytical method development, global LC-MS lipidomics, and global LC-MS metabolomics. He is currently working on his PhD thesis, which aims to utilize global metabolomics, lipidomics, and glycomics to investigate the host response to infections causing sepsis and to identify novel biomarkers for sepsis. In his master’s project, Sander developed global LC-MS lipidomics for potential application in clinical diagnostics.


  • Best poster award, The 25th Norwegian symposium on chromatography (2022), Sandefjord, Norway (Link)

Work Experience

  • 2023 January-October: Engineer at the Department for Medical Biochemistry, Oslo University Hospital, Norway


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