11. og 12. januar på Scandic Nidelven i Trondheim:
Forum for klinisk fysiologi – sirkulasjon, gassutveksling og ventilasjon
Er du interessert i klinisk fysiologi og gjennomføring og tolking av arbeidsbelastningstester? Da bør du delta på dette tverrfaglige seminaret som arrangeres av Forum for klinisk fysiologi (FFKF).
FFKF 2024 arrangeres 11. og 12. januar på Scandic Nidelven i Trondheim. For mer informasjon se facebooksiden til arrangementet. Link til påmelding: https://axacoair.se/go?uflafzmC
ProCardio was well represented at Innovation conference as part of the Oslo Innovation Week 2023.
Giving the right care, to the right patient, at the right time. The importance of collaboration between academia, the institute sector, the private sector, start-ups and industry when heading into the future of cardiac health care. These were among the topics that were discussed when the UiO Growth House invited to an Innovation conference as part of the Oslo Innovation Week 2023.
In the parallel session “- How to keep the heart healthy?”, several short talks and pitches on innovative work in the areas of better diagnostics, treatments and follow up of cardiac patients were presented.
We’ve summarised 12 hours in a less than 2 min. video and published on the conference webpage http://www.uio.no/scienceimpact.
For the past two decades, NORHEART has been organizing an Annual Symposium covering the latest in cardiac research, with the aim of promoting international quality and to improve career opportunities for PhD students. In recent years Department of Cardiology at Oslo University Hospital and ProCardio Center for Research-based Innovation has engaged in preparations of the meeting.
The symposium is an arena for young researchers to present the studies they are engaged in and a valuable ground for feedback, collaboration and networking. Each year the best abstracts are awarded with prizes to highlight the resent advancements and new knowledge brought about in the field.
All patients with suspected cardiomyopathy are recommended genetic testing in order to find a cause for the symptoms. This is one of the main messages in the first comprehensive European guidelines in the field. This applies not least to dilated cardiomyopathy, where possible genetic causes may go under the radar, even though they can be present in up to every other case, says Kristina Haugaa, head of the Cardiogenetics and sudden cardiac death group at OUH, professor of cardiology at the University of Oslo and senior consultant at Karolinska University Hospital. She is co-author of the new guidelines on cardiomyopathies presented at the ESC Congress in Amsterdam, and has been interviewed about the findings for the newspaper "Dagens Medicin".
Kristina Haugaa is the second most publishing female researcher in Norway for the period 2019-2022, and is number 29 in total. The ranking is based on publication points, and has been published by the research and education news site Khrono. Haugaa, who researches hereditary heart diseases, is consultant cardiologist at OUS, professor at the University of Oslo and heads a center for researchbased innovation, ProCardio. As center manager and supervisor for research fellows and postdocs, she is involved in many projects, which results in many publications.
Marit Kristine Smedsrud has been awarded the Marie Spångberg prize for 2023
Postdoctoral fellow at ProCardio, Marit Kristine Smedsrud, received the Marie Spångberg Prize on 6 June for the most valuable original scientific article published by a Norwegian female doctor in 2022.
The article was published by the ProCardio Center for Innovation at HLK and Professor Kristina Haugaa was the last author of the article. The distribution took place during the Medical Association's national board meeting in Bodø.
Center for Research-based Innovation, ProCardio will develop, test and validate new tools that can reliably predict an individual patient’s disease progression, and provide a longitudinal view of past and future care pathway options, enabling optimal disease treatment and prevention of disease progression.
Creating new digital solutions, which are necessary to more effectively exploit the wealth of data produced in modern cardiology, will require integrating rich patient data across all levels of healthcare, while harnessing clinical expertise combined with cutting edge ICT solutions. ProCardio will build on the achieved world-leading research and previous cooperation by developing novel machine learning methods to overcome the «black-box» nature of artificial intelligence. Linking these to physiological cardiac computer models will pave the way to reaching ProCardio’s ambitious goals.
The students' teaching award to Stensrud Flø and Haugaa
Photo: Elin Doeland, UiO
The graduating class of the medical program distributes the teaching prize every semester. The honor goes to a teacher whom the students have particularly appreciated. In the spring of 2023, the award will go to clinical fellow August Stensrød Flø and professor Kristina Haugaa, both from the Department of Cardiology. They received the same number of votes and therefore share the prize.
The Center for Heart Failure Research (CHFR) was established in 2002 and has since then promoted the integration of high quality research from bench to bedside. Center members have a broad range of expertise, covering state-of-the-art gene technology, protein function, integrative physiology in pathophysiological models and clinical studies. This collective knowledge and active research collaboration has resulted in more than 200 scientific publications each year.
The Annual Symposiums that began in 2003 have constituted an important platform for networking, introduction of up-and-coming academic talents, along with impressive research results, not to mention the presence of important international speakers shedding light on recent advancements in cardiovascular research.
GE Vingmed Ultrasound together with Oslo University Hospital, University of Oslo, KU Leuven, University of Maastrich, Jessa Hospital in Belgium and Medaphor were recently awarded 1.6 million euros for a Marie Curie project that will utilize artificial intelligence to diagnose a number of heart disorders. Several of the international partners in the new project have previously been central to CCI's international research collaboration. Over the years, the network and the exchange of skills have been strengthened through joint workshops, studies presented at both national and international conferences and, not least, the exchange of students and professionals.
Professors Thor Edvardsen, MD, PhD and Kristina Haugaa, MD, PhD from Oslo University Hospital together with Digital Manager Eigil Samset from GE Vingmed Ultrasound Photo: Hedda Holt, Oslo University Hospital
Several researchers presented their latest studies at the annual Congress of European Society for Cardiology, the largest get-together of its kind. Elevating the Congress further this year was its conjunction with the World Congress of Cardiology, putting the spotlight on global cardiovascular health, highlighting differences in prevalence, clinical manifestations, prevention strategies, diagnostic modalities and management of cardiovascular diseases around the world, as stated on the ESC webpage.
PhD fellow Christine Rootwelt, MD, presented the study Apparent sex differences in risk of life-threatening events in arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy are related to exercise habits, which concluded that sex differences in arrhythmic risk in arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy (AC) were attributable to higher exercise doses in male AC-patients. This highlights the importance of exercise assessment in these patients, and challenges the current opinion of male sex as a risk factor in itself. Risk stratification based on sex may underestimate the risk of physically active female AC-patients.
PhD fellow Monica Chivulescu, MD presented the study “Structural progression increases the risk of ventricular arrhythmias in patients with arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy”. The study concluded that disease penetrance was fairly high in family members both at inclusion and during follow-up. Rate of progression was similar in probands and family members with arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy and structural progression was associated with higher incidence of severe arrhythmic event in arrhythmia free patients during follow-up.
Prof Perry Elliott from University College, London, United Kingdom and Benjamin Meder, University of Heidelberg, Germany talk about the study in a ESC Cardio Talk podcast available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Castbox, Google Podcasts, The Podcast App. (https://www.escardio.org/The-ESC/What-we-do/news/ESC-Cardio-Talk)
Aaberge L, Angel K(2025) Can Microvascular Resistance Reserve Predict Prognosis After Heart Transplantation? JACC Cardiovasc Interv, 18(4), 453-454 DOI 10.1016/j.jcin.2024.12.018, PubMed 40010916
Chakrabarti A, Giudicessi JR, Ezzeddine FM, Delling FN, Dixit S, Lee YJ, Muser D, Magnani S, Van Wijngaarden A, Ajmone Marsan N, Miller MA, Gandhi J, Trivieri MG, Font J, Martins R, McCaffrey JA, Santangeli P, Marchlinski FE, Chapagain H, Mathew D, Kancharla K, Syed FF, Abid A, Cerbin L, Tzou WSet al.(2025) Characteristics of Patients With the Arrhythmogenic Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome and Sudden Cardiac Arrest and Sustained Ventricular Arrhythmias Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol, e013099(in press) DOI 10.1161/CIRCEP.124.013099, PubMed 39973752
Edvardsen T, Klæboe LG(2025) Assessment of diastolic function - is it time to relax? Rethinking Echocardiographic Approaches J Am Soc Echocardiogr(in press) DOI 10.1016/j.echo.2025.02.004, PubMed 39971203