Welcome to the home page of Jorrit Enserink's group Cancer Molecular medicine

The Enserink group is a research group with people from eleven different countries, and currently consists of the group leader, two senior researcher, seven post-docs, three PhD students and a varying number of undergraduate students. We make use of model organisms as well as primary material from cancer patients to study several basic problems in cancer.

The Enserink group
Jorrit Enserink's Group picture 2021, click to enlarge image.



Click on the images below for more information on our research projects:

Budding yeast cells

Budding yeast projects



Modeling of leukemia in flies


AML cells

Personalized medicine and oncogene addiction




We are funded by the following organizations:


Department of Molecular Cell Biology, Institute for Cancer Research
The Norwegian Radium Hospital, Montebello, N-0379 Oslo, Norway
Telephone +47 22 78 19 82 (Enserink), +47 22 78 12 69 (Dept. Secretary)
Email: jorrit.enserink@rr-research.no