Risk factors for community- and workplace transmission of COVID-19

The project is an epidemiological observational study based on an electronic questionnaire on risk factors for COVID-19 in the community and healthcare setting. The data collected will identify real-life risk factors for getting the COVID-19 diagnosis. The Oslo University Hospital/University of Oslo web-based solution “nettskjema” with BankID/MinID will be used to collect data and consent forms. The impact of knowing the risk factors for COVID-19 is tremendous because it can enable governments to conduct more targeted public health measurements than today to reduce the spread of the virus.


Risiko for å bli smittet av koronavirus i Norge
Oslo universitetssykehus undersøker hvordan koronaviruset sprer seg i Norge og inviterer alle til å delta.
Informasjon om deltakelse: klikk på linken over.

Project leader:

Arne Vasli Søraas

Page visits: 9750