National Advisory Unit on Mental Health in Intellectual Disability

Mental health in patients with ID is regarded by the Norwegian health authorities as a field in need of more knowledge and research. Equal access to mental health care for patients with ID is hampered by limited competence among professional health workers in general mental health, addiction services and in habilitation services. 

Trine Lise Bakken and Ellen Kathrine Munkhaugen, Photo: Knut Hattrem

A national advisory unit for mental health in ID (NKUP) was established in 2019 at the Oslo University Hospital. The main obligation of the NKUP is to contribute to improved clinical services for the patients. 

NKUP has established two national networks and a website. Furthermore, provides weekly webinars, web seminars and on site lectures for students and clinicians. The NKUP initiates and participates in research and development projects.

The NKUP activities are based on:

  1. clinicians’ needs for upgrading their competence
  2. research
  3. input from patient associations

In order to achieve the NKUP’s long term aims, the unit must appear relevant to actual clinicians in both mental health and habilitation services. Our goal is that increased nationwide competence among clinicians may improve mental health services for patients with ID.