Ingrid Roxrud receives prize for best poster at the Contact Meeting of the Norwegian Biochemical Society

Ingrid Roxrud
Ingrid Roxrud

PhD student Ingrid Roxrud in Harald Stenmark's group at Centre for Cancer Biomedicine, Institute for Cancer Research, received the prize for best poster at the recent 45th Contact Meeting of the Norwegian Biochemical Society at Røros. Roxrud's poster was entitled "Multiple degradation mechanisms ensure disposal of an Angelman-syndrome associated NHE6 deletion protein". It dealt with analysis of the cation exchanger NHE6 and a mutant version of this protein that occurs in a rare X-linked form of mental retardation called Angelman syndrome.

The poster showed that the Angelman-syndrome associated form of NHE6 becomes degraded in proteasomes and lysosomes, thereby explaining its loss of function.

The prize of NOK 5,000 was sponsored by Axellia Pharmaceuticals and was awarded to the best poster (among 92 competing posters) based on the criteria of scentific content, clarity and layout.

Download poster (PDF format)


Link to web page NBS Contact meeting - 2009

Harald Stenmark' group

The happy poster prize winnter Ingrid Roxrud (no. 3 from left) flanked by the 2nd and 3rd prize winners and the members of the poster prize committee. Nobel laureate Robert Huber is no. 1 from left. Photographer: Rahmi Lale. (click to enlarge image)
The happy poster prize winnter Ingrid Roxrud (no. 3 from left) flanked by the 2nd and 3rd prize winners and the members of the poster prize committee. Nobel laureate Robert Huber is no. 1 from left. Photographer: Rahmi Lale. (click to enlarge image)

Feb 4, 2009 Page visits: 9812