Institute Seminars at the Institute for Cancer Research Spring 2013

The seminars will take place on Wednesdays 12:00 - 13:00 in the Auditorium (K building).

 Date Section  Speaker and title 
30/01 IKF Øystein Fodstad:
“Institute for Cancer Research. Status at the end of my term”
13/02 Biochemistry Andreas Brech:
“Functional characterization of the autophagic pathway using various EM techniques”
 Cancer Prevention Guro Elisabeth Lind:
"Epigenetic biomarkers in cancer - their functional and clinical importance"
 06/03  Genetics
 Silje Nord:
"Dissecting the functional role of putative breast cancer risk SNPs in normal breast and breast carcinomas"
 20/03 Tumor Biology Lina Prasmickaite:
"Tumor-microenvironment interactions; Emerging role in metastasis and drug response"
10/04 Radiation Biology  Jon-Vidar Gaustad:
"Live imaging of tumor angiogenesis and vasculature. A presentation of the intravital microscopy project"
24/04 Cell Biology Per O. Seglen:
"50 Years of Autophagy: An Autophagobiographical Inside Report"
 08/05 Cellular Therapy SURPRISE
 29/05 Immunology  Johanna Olweus:
"K.G. Jebsen Center for Cancer Immunotherapy" 
 12/06 IKF  New Scientific director:
"Information from the Institute Council"

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