Rolf I. Skotheim
- Group leader; Dr. philos.
- +47 2278 1727
Rolf Skotheim is a cancer researcher specialising in systems cancer biomedicine, particularly on genomics of prostate cancer. Skotheim's work integrates computational biology and experimental approaches, particularly RNA-level analyses, to understand the functional implications of gene expression in cancer. Skotheim heads the Genome biology group at the Department of molecular oncology, Institute for cancer research, Oslo university hospital-Radiumhospitalet. The research group is dedicated to precision cancer medicine by utilizing advanced bioinformatics and genome technologies.
Skotheim holds a professorship at the Department of informatics, University of Oslo, in the Scientific computing and machine learning group at Section for machine learning. Skotheim has significant international experience, including postdoctoral work at VTT Medical Biotechnology, Finland, and several research stays at the National Human Genome Research Institute at the National Institutes of Health, MD, USA.
More about his current research is found at the page of the Genome biology group.