Trial lecture and disputation December 10-11 Civ. eng. Jon-Vidar Gaustad

J-V. Gaustad
J-V. Gaustad

Civ. eng. Jon-Vidar Gaustad from Einar K. Rofstad's group at the Department of Radiation Biology gave his trial lectures on the subjects "Anti-angiogenese i kreftbehandling – tradisjonelle og nye strategier" and "Valg av dyremodell i tumorbiologiske studier: Fordeler og ulemper ved murint versus humant kreftvev".
The trial lectures took place Thursday December 10 at 14.15 and 15.15 in "The Auditorium, Building K, OUS - Radiumhospitalet"

He defended his PhD thesis - entitled "Blood Supply in Human Melanoma Xenografts Assessed by DCE-MRI and Intravital Microscop" on Friday December 11th at 10.15. The disputation tool place in "Store fysiske auditorium, Fysikkbygningen, Blindern, UiO".


Announcement from UiO web pages

Einar K. Rofstad's group

Department of Radiation Biology


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