Trial lecture and disputation November 13th Cand.scient. Aslaug Aamodt Muggerud

Cand.scient. Aslaug Aamodt Muggerud from Anne-Lise Børresen-Dale's group at the Department of Genetics at the Institute for Cancer Research gave her trial lecture on the subject "Clinical utility of genetic and epigenetic markers in the management of cancer. Current status" on Friday November 13th at 10.30.

She defends her PhD thesis - entitled "Genetic and epigenetic alterations in breast tumour progression: The transition from in situ to invasive cancer" on Friday November 13th at 13.15.

Venue for both events: Auditorium U1, The Norwegian Radium Hospital at Montebello.


Announcement from UiO web pages

Anne-Lise Børresen-Dale's group

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