Trial lectures and disputation, May 7-8th 2009 Anette Weyergang

Cand. Pharm. Anette Weyergang from Kristian Berg's group at the Department of Radiation Biology will defend har PhD thesis, entitled "Photochemical internalization of epidermal growth factor receptor-targeted drugs" on Friday May 8th at 10:15 in Aud. J3053 (the new radiation building) at Radiumhospitalet.
Her two trial lectures - on the subjects "Mechanisms of endocytosis" and "Targeted Toxins in cancer therapy. Magic bullets or misguided missiles?" will be held from 15:15 the day before - Thursday, May 7th. The trial lectures will take place in Aud. U1 at Radiumhospitalet.
Supervisor: Kristian Berg
Complete announcement (in Norwegian, from the UiO web pages)
Department of Radiation Biology