Prestigious research award to Anne Hansen Ree

Professor Anne Hansen Ree from Øystein Fodstad’s group at Department of Tumor Biology received on December 1st 2008 the Blix’ Family Foundation’s Award to a Younger Medical Scientist in Cancer Research. The award, which is provided in collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo and amounting to NOK 250.000, was presented by Tora Aasland, Minister of Education and Research, during a celebration in Gamle Festsal at Domus Academica.

Professor Ree has been selected awardee by Professor Hans Wigzell at the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, who was appointed Chairman of the Nobel Assembly in 2000.

The Blix’ Family Foundation for Promotion of Medical Research (Familien Blix’ Fond til fremme av medisinsk forskning) was founded on December 1st, 1983. The foundation supports medical research with particular emphasis on coronary heart and cancer diseases. Since being established, the foundation has provided NOK 21M to these disciplines.

The ceremony took place in collaboration with the Medical Faculty at the University of Oslo, and was held Monday December 1st 2008 in "Universitetets Gamle Festsal", Oslo.

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Department of Tumor Biology

Øystein Fodstad's group

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