Illustration from Anne Simonsen article on the cover of "Autophagy"

A figure from a paper by Anne Simonsen and co-workers has been given the cover space of the February 16th issue of the journal Autophagy (impact factor 6,7). Results presented in the article - which is entitled "Promoting basal levels of autophagy in the nervous system enhances longevity and oxidant resistance in adult Drosophila" - indicate that induction of autophagy in the neurons of aging flies strongly increases their life span.
The e-published version of the article has previously been dedicated an editorial ("Editor's choice") in Science.


Simonsen A, Cumming RC, Brech A, Isakson P, Schubert DR, Finley KD.
Promoting basal levels of autophagy in the nervous system enhances longevity and oxidant resistance in adult Drosophila. (link to Pubmed)
Autophagy. 2008 Mar-Apr;4(2):176-84. Epub 2007 Nov 6.

Autophagy paper from ICR researchers highlighted in Science - a news article from

Harald Stenmark's group: Intracellular communication

Institute for Cancer Research

Feb 18, 2008 Page visits: 11128