Rolf I. Skotheim appointed visiting professor in Finland

R.I. Skotheim
R.I. Skotheim
Rolf I. Skotheim from the Department of Cancer Prevention at the Institute for Cancer Research has received a visiting professorship from the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland.
VTT is part of the "Translational Genome-Scale Biology" consortium, which is a Finnish Centre of Excellence, led by professor Olli Kallioniemi.

Skotheim's new professorship strengthens the long-term collaboration between his own department - which is part of the Norwegian CoE "Centre for Cancer Biomedicine" - and the one of Olli Kallioniemi, as well as the collaboration between the two CoEs.

Skotheim will mainly work together with a bioinformatics team, and one particular project concerns construction and utilization of a database of genome-wide transcriptome data from thousands of human samples. Careful biological and clinical annotation as well as normalization across the whole sample spectrum makes this a unique resource in the cancer research field.

Rolf I. Skotheim has a PhD in cancer genetics and hands on experience in large-scale functional genomics. He is currently leading two major projects at the Department of Cancer Prevention “Qualitative transcript variation in solid tumours” and “Functional genomics of testicular germ cell tumours”.

Project group of genome biology
Department of Cancer Prevention
Centre for Cancer Biomedicine
The Academy of Finland Centre of Excellence in Translational Genome-Scale Biology (TGSB)

Article from "Uniforum" about the CoE "Centre for Cancer Biomedicine"
(in Norwegian)
Jul 16, 2007 Page visits: 11266