Trial lecture and disputation, 21-22.06 2007 Trine Nilsen

Trine Nilsen
Trine Nilsen
M.Sc. Trine Nilsen defended her thesis - entitled "Intracellular interactions and nucleocytoplasmic trafficking of exogenous FGF-1" - on Friday June 22nd 2007.

The event took place in the small auditorium in the new radiation building ("Lille auditorium, Nye strålingsbygg") at the Norwegian Radium Hospital at Montebello.
Her trial lecture - on the subject ”Modification of nucleocytoplasmic proteins with O-linked beta-N-acetylglucosamine” was held on Thursday June 21st.

Main supervisor: Sjur Olsnes


Read the complete announcement (in Norwegian, from the web pages of UiO)

The group of Sjur Olsnes - Protein internalisation

Department of Biochemistry

Institute for Cancer Research
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