Guro E. Lind new leader of The Norwegian Association of Researchers (Forskerforbundet)

Guro E. Lind
Guro E. Lind

Professor Guro Elisabeth Lind, head of the Epigentics research group at the Department of Molecular Oncology, has been elected as new leader in "Forskerforbundet" - The Norwegian Association of Researchers, taking over January 1st 2019.

Lind is a former head of "Akademiet for yngre forskere" (The Young Academy of Norway) and has also been a local representative for Forskerforbundet. She will be the first female leader since the 80's, and replaces Petter Aaslestad, who has been in charge of the Research Association for the last six years (two periods).

"I was very much in doubt, first and foremost because I am an active researcher with a research group and exciting projects. But I am also actively engaged in research policy and could not say no to this exciting challenge", Lind says to Khrono.


News articles and interviews from Norwegian web sites:

News article from Forskerforundet:
Lind og Dæhli ny lederduo

Comprehensive interview from "Forskerforum", by Julia Loge:
– Vi er ikke likestilte, og vi er nødt til å gripe tak i det

News article from Khrono:
Lind ny leder i Forskerforbundet

News article From Uniforum:
UiO-professor Guro Elisabeth Lind skal lede Forskerforbundet

Home page of Lind' Epigentics research group (Lind lab)

Department of Molecular Oncology

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