Institute seminar Wednesday 22nd of April Andreas Brech from the Department of Core Facilities

Andreas Brech
Andreas Brech

The Institute Seminar on Wednesday 22nd of April will ble held by Andreas Brech from the Department of Core Facilities.
The title of his talk is:
“What we can help you with, the Core facility for advanced electron microscopy”
Time and place: 12:00 in the Auditorium, Inst. for Cancer Res., Montebello.

What we can help you with, the Core facility for advanced electron microscopy

Description of core facility (CF) for Advanced Electron Microscopy:
The OUH hosts two EM nodes, located at Gaustad and Montebello campuses, which together form a CF that provides clinical, translational and basic researchers with EM technology. The Montebello node offers conventional plastic embedding of samples, high-pressure freezing, as well as immuno-EM on frozen sections, a technique that is fast, offers very high sensitivity and the possibility for quantitative approaches of labeling densities. Moreover the node performs advanced correlative light/electron microscopy (CLEM), allowing the combination of light and electron microscopy data. We are also routinely performing electron tomography using both nodes for sample preparation and microscopy. We are aiming at a combination of all these techniques in a seamless manner, so that we can provide everything from basic morphology to 3D-reconstruction and combination of light microscopy data with high-resolution information from EM using CLEM. The close interaction with the Advanced Light Microscopy facility also allows us to embed live cell imaging and super-resolution microscopy in this workflow. Further development of equipment will be addressed.


Andreas Brech's publications

Institute seminars spring season 2015

Institute seminar organizers:

Stine H. KresseTrevor Clancy and Mads H. Haugen
(Dept. of Tumor Biology and Immunology)

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