OUH study suggesting link between maternal age and emergency delivery attracts attention

Lina HerstadFirst author
Lina Herstad
First author

Lina Herstad from the Norwegian National Advisory Unit on Women's Health at Woman and Children' Division at Oslo University Hospital is first author on an article recently published in BJOG, entitled "Maternal age and emergency operative deliveries at term: a population-based registry study among low-risk primiparous women."

The study used a sample of 169,583 low risk, first-time mothers in Norway to examine the association between maternal age and emergency operative delivery. The results suggest that an increased risk of emergency operative delivery is linked with increasing maternal age.

The study has attracted considerable attention, and the findings are discussed on several popular science international web sites, such as Science Daily and Science World Report.


PubMed link to the article in BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology:
Maternal age and emergency operative deliveries at term: a population-based registry study among low-risk primiparous women.
Herstad L, Klungsøyr K, Skjaerven R, Tanbo T, Forsén L, Abyholm T, Vangen S.
BJOG. 2014 Aug 6. doi: 10.1111/1471-0528.12962.

From Science Daily, Featured research section:
Link between maternal age, emergency delivery shown

From Science World Report
Study Highlights Link Between Maternal Age and Emergency Delivery

From Dagens Medisin (in Norwegian):
Førstegangsfødende over 40 har tre ganger større risiko for akutt keisersnitt

Norwegian National Advisory Unit on Women's Health

Lina Herstad

Siri Vangen (head of section and last author on BJOG article)


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