Medal for Excellence in Photobiological Sciences awarded to Kristian Berg

On the occasion of the bi-annual congress, the Executive Committee of the European Society for Photobiology (ESP) awards a medal to a maximum of two distinguished scientists whose research achievements in photobiology are internationally acknowledged as outstanding and who have given crucial contributions to ESP activities.
Kristian Berg received this prestigious award during the 15th ESP Congress, held in Liège (Belgium), 2 - 6 September 2013.

Kristian Berg has developed a novel technology for improving the transfer of macromolecules into the cytosol of cells, for medical (therapeutic) purposes. This technology is worldwide recognized and inspired many labs all around the world and provided him many collaborations, invited lectures and an international recognition.


European Society for Photobiology 2013 Congress

European Society for Photobiology home page

Kristian Berg's publications

Home page of Kristian Berg's group - Photochemical Internalisation

Photos from the ceremony, during the 15th ESP Congress in Liège


Acceptance speechKristian Berg with ESP Medal for Excellence

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