Important findings from Skjeven, Lødrup Carlsen and coworkers published in New England Journal of Medicine

Skjerven and Lødrup Carlsen (photo: Ram Gupta, OUS)
Skjerven and Lødrup Carlsen (photo: Ram Gupta, OUS)

Håvard Ove Skjerven and Karin C. Lødrup Carlsen (photo) from the Department of Pediatrics at OUS are first and last author of an article published in New England Journal of Medicine (journal impact factor 53.3) June 13th, entitled "Racemic Adrenaline and Inhalation Strategies in Acute Bronchiolitis". In this paper Skjerven, Lødrup Carlsen and coworkers aimed to assess the effectiveness of inhaled racemic adrenaline as compared with inhaled saline and the strategy for frequency of inhalation (on demand vs. fixed schedule) in infants hospitalized with acute bronchiolitis. Their findings has led to changes in the national guidelines, thus improving the treatment of bronchiolits.


Popular scientific presentation of the results, and interview with the authors, in Norwegian:
Adrenalin ikke bedre enn saltvann for spebarn

Link to the article in N Engl J Med, from PubMed:
Racemic adrenaline and inhalation strategies in acute bronchiolitis.
Skjerven HO, Hunderi JO, Brügmann-Pieper SK, Brun AC, Engen H, Eskedal L, Haavaldsen M, Kvenshagen B, Lunde J, Rolfsjord LB, Siva C, Vikin T, Mowinckel P, Carlsen KH, Lødrup Carlsen KC.
N Engl J Med. 2013 Jun 13;368(24):2286-93.

Karen Cecilie Lødrup Carlsen's publications


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