OUS research seminar June 12th 12:00-16;00 International approaches to personalized cancer medicine

The interest in personalized approaches to cancer treatment is increasing sharply, and in several countries there are national initiatives to evaluate and implement these in clinical practise. Most notable has been the initiatives in the UK, France and Norway, and these will be presented at this symposium at Radiumhospitalet. Both the exciting possibilities, the technical issues and clinical challenges will be addressed.
The symposium is organised in collaboration with the National Collaboration Group for Health Research (NSG) and Oslo Cancer Cluster. Everyone is welcome, also if you cannot attend the whole symposium.

Time and place: Wednesday, June 12th 2013, at 12:00-16:00 in the Auditorium FOBY (Forskningsbygget), Radiumhospitalet, OUS

For refreshments during the networking break, we ask you to register with the coordinator, Eyrun Thune (eyrun.thune@rr-research.no).

Stein Kvaløy, Reearch Director, Clinic for cancer, surgery and transplantation, OUS.

Chair: Åslaug Helland, MD, PhD, Assoc Prof, Dept of Genetics and Dept of Oncology


12:00 Introduction: Sigbjørn Smeland

12:15 A Norwegian platform for personalized cancer medicine
Ola Myklebost, Professor, Dr Philos, Dept of Tumor Biology, OUS - Institute for Cancer Research, The Norwegian Radium Hospital.

13:00 Driving innovation for patients through personalized cancer medicine: Institut Gustave Roussy Strategies
Ludovic Lacroix, Assistant Professor of Biopathology, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, France.

14:00 Coffe break: Strawberries and ice cream

14:30 An evolving personalized language in cancer; lessons from sarcoma
A.B.Hassan, BSc DPhil FRCP, Professor of Medical Oncology, Oxford Molecular Pathology Institute, Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, University of Oxford.

15:15: Discussion: To what extent should genome-based cancer medicine be introduced in the clinic, - and how should we start?

Introduced by Kjersti Flatmark, Senior Consultant, Department of Surgical Oncology OUS


Announcement from Norwegian Cancer Genomics Consortium home page

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