The Association for Cancer Immunotherapy (CIMT) "Top Poster Award" to Sebastien Wälchli

THE CIMT 2012 "Top Poster" Award went to Sébastien Wälchli, for the poster entitled "It takes two to tango: MHC-I and Invariant chain in harmony".
The Association for Cancer Immunotherapy (CIMT) was founded in 2002 as an information and education platform for the emerging field of immunological cancer therapy.
CIMT's Annual Meeting is Europe’s largest meeting focused on cancer immunotherapy research and development. The 10th CIMT Annual Meeting - entitled "Towards Next-Generation Cancer Immunotherapy" was held May 23 – 25, 2012 in Mainz, Germany.
Award-winning poster:
"It takes two to tango: MHC-I and Invariant chain in harmony"
Sébastien Wälchli, Shraddha Kumari, Weiwen Yang, Kine M. K. Sand, Lars-Egil Fallang, Ole B. Landsverk, Oddmund Bakke, Johanna Olweus, and Tone F. Gregers
The work presented here is a collaboration between the labs of Johanna Olweus and Oddmund Bakke's labs and presents a novel method to load MHC-I using Invariant chain.
CIMT Annual Meeting 2012 abstract book
Sebastien Wälchli: CV and publications
Johanna Olweus' group: Immunotherapy and Antigen presentation