Trial lecture on Web TV: Jørgen M. Aarøe: Epigenetic changes and regulation in breast cancer development - clinical implications?

JM Aarøe
JM Aarøe

Jørgen Mømb Aareøe from Anne-Lise Børresen-Dale's group at the Department of Genetics at the Institute for Cancer research recently defended his doctoral thesis, entitled "Genomic studies of breast cancer; early detection and genomic complexity".

The disputation, as well as his trial lecture - entitled "Epigenetic changes and regulation in breast cancer development - clinical implications?" - are now available on Web TV - an excellent service provided by the Institute for Medical Informatics.


To Web TV broadcasts, from March 25th 2011

Trial lecture: Epigenetic changes and regulation in breast cancer development - clinical implications?

Disputation: Genomic studies of breast cancer; early detection and genomic complexity

WebTV home page

Other links:

Details about disputation from the UiO web pages

Jørgen Mømb Aarøe's publications

Anne-Lise Børresen-Dale's group - Molecular Biology of Breast Cancer

Department of Genetics

Institute for Cancer Research

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